Top Reasons Your Door Knob Won’t Turn & How To Fix Them

Therefore, the door knob won’t turn. You are locked out right now, and your lock might be broken. Take a deep breath before jumping to conclusions. It’s possible that your lock is working perfectly and you are not locked out. find out Locksmith Sutton Coldfield

There is no need to assume that the issue is overly complicated until you have a better understanding of the reasons why your door knob won’t turn. If your door knob isn’t turning, you should look into it further or get in touch with a reputable locksmith.

Wrong Key

I know you think you’re using the right key, but using the wrong key is a common cause of a door knob not turning. Up to two locks are made by a similar producer, one key will fit both. Making door locks with identical keys can be done in this manner.

Smaller keys can sometimes fit into larger keyways even if they are not exactly the same size or brand. If the key won’t turn, this is a good sign that you may be pressing the wrong key. However, there is no guarantee that this will resolve the issue with the doorknob not turning

Make sure you’re using the right key by checking your key ring twice. If these keys are brand-new or have just been lent to you, this is even more critical. Work your way through the various keys, even if you are certain that some are incorrect, if you have any doubts.

Broken Key

Using the wrong key can cause the same symptoms as using a broken key. However, despite being broken, this is definitely the correct key. It is not necessary for a key to “break” to the point where you will be attempting to remove the broken key from the lock. It could simply have deteriorated enough to be unusable.

Keys wear out because the metal grooves rub against the internals of the lock or because each key’s rotational torque bends the key slightly. Check to see if the key’s teeth are pointy or smooth by feeling them. Smoothness indicates wear. With this kind of wear, repairing a broken key is rare.

You will only be copying a key that doesn’t work if you try to copy a broken key. Your damaged key or the lock itself can be decoded by a locksmith. Therefore, the original factory specifications can be used to create a key. Alternately, alter the lock or duplicate a functional key.

Lock Jam

If a door knob won’t turn, the lock might be jamming. Most of the time, dirt or rust fill in the spaces that give different parts the range of motion they need. The lock will jam until the debris is removed if those tolerances are reduced.

The accumulation of debris may be situated between the housing and the latch bolt, resulting in a stuck door latch. The key may be unable to fully insert because the keyway may be blocked. The lock can be hindered further inside, which jams actuators that permit the handle to turn or the hook to withdraw.

It’s also possible that the latch bolt is getting stuck on the strike plate. This issue is more about alignment, which is covered in its own section, rather than the lock. Read the section on lock damage if there is no internal jamming but a broken component in the lo

Your task is to clean a door knob that is not turning because of internal jamming. To begin, temporarily turn the door knob by applying a lubricant that does not contain oil. After that, dismantle the lock. A mixture of water and ammonia can be used to clean the parts more thoroughly. Finish with a polish on the metal.

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